weight loss tips

Home remedies for losing weight:
1.Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.

2.Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.

3.Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat

4.Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.

5.Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.

6.Regular intake of carrot juice.

7.Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.

8.Vegetables like bittergourd and drumstick are useful in loosing weight.

9.Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.

10.Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.

11.Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.

12.Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals.

13.Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.

14.Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat.

15.Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming or rowing.

16.The gum of Commiphora Mukul called 'guggulu' is the drug of choice for the treatment of obesity.

17.Blood Purification and Fat Reduction
Take one glass of warm water and mix 1-2 teaspoonful of honey and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Take this preparation daily before evacuation. It helps to purify the blood. It also helps to reduce fat and to clean the bowels.

For balance, well being, weight management and optimal health 
1.Use freshly prepared natural foods, made with wholesome grains, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Make home made vegetable broth and use it in your cooking instead of heavy oils or dairy products. For optimal digestion, reduce or eliminate the use of meats in your diet.

2.Chewing aniseeds or fennel seeds with coconut powder or cardamom seeds with sugar after a meal encourages the secretion of saliva and aids digestion. The mouth becomes refreshed and one feels joyful.

3.Include all the six tastes, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent in all the meals, to create natural and nutritional balance and decrease cravings in between meals.

4.Certain foods are healthy when consumed alone, but when taken in combination with other foods, generate harmful chemicals in the body. (For example radishes or cucumbers should never be taken with water.)

5.Eating food at regular time each day is helpful in regulating the chemicals in the body.

6.Resting after lunch and walking after dinner is helpful.

7.Regular use of milk, yogurt, cheese or cream is good for one's health.

Tips to reduce obesity:
1.Numerous tips to reduce obesity have been mentioned in Ayurveda. The following ayurvedic tips help you to reduce the obesity.

2.Very good exercises. Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, and playing out door games etc help to reduce weight.

3.Physical and mental exertion. Exerting physically like doing house hold works, walking to distant places to bring groceries, vegetables etc, walking long distances to bring the child back from school, walking to working place, climbing stairs etc are types of physical exertion. Exerting physically as much as you can help to burn more calories. Mental exertion like worrying or involving in finding solutions to problems also restrict food consumption in some and there by reduces the intake of calories .

4.Having sex in moderate way is also a good physical exertion.

5.Consumption of honey. This is advisable for non diabetic patients. Consuming 2 tea spoon of honey with a glass of herbal tea which includes weight reducing herbs help a lot in weight reduction. Honey along with these herbs scrapes and dissolves the Kapha and medhas (body fat).

6.Sleeping for less hours. Avoiding sleeping in afternoons help to increase the burning of calories. This avoids slowing of basal metabolic rate.

7.Avoiding the food and beverages which increase Kapha and medhas. The foods which increase Kapha and medhas are sweets, sweetened drinks, large quantities of carbohydrates and oily food.